Posted May 2, 2013

Airgas sales up 2%

Airgas reported fiscal fourth quarter sales were $1.26 billion, an increase of 2% over the prior year.

Organic sales in the quarter were flat compared to prior year, with gas and rent up 4% and hardgoods down 5%. Acquisitions contributed sales growth of 2% in the quarter. 

Net earnings of $86.1 million, or $1.13 per share, compared to earnings of $87.9 million, or $1.12 per share, in the same period last year.

Full year sales increased 4% over the prior year to $4.96 billion while earnings were $340.8 million, or $4.35 per share, compared to $313.3 million, or $4.00 per share, last year.

During the year, the company completed the implementation of SAP in its regional distribution businesses, completed a $600 million share repurchase program, and acquired 18 businesses with aggregate annual sales of more than $95 million. "These achievements are significant milestones in the development of our company and help position us for sustainable long-term growth," said executive chairman Peter McCausland.